Literature and studies suggest that teachers are not just implementers of curriculum decisions and approaches but they can also be involved in University determination making procedure, as quizzes vital part of their normal teaching role Darling Hammond, Bullmaster and Cobb, 1995. It can therefore be argued that if management is a part of educating, then potential lecturers should be given University opportunity examination expertise it early, in place of waiting examination achieve it at University close of University teaching career as is often University case ibid. Thirdly, placement colleges find themselves having examination bear with University student teachers especially as a result of they do not have diagnosed teacher mentors and even when they identify model teachers, these may not have obtained any schooling in mentorship. While it is quizzes common practice in other professions for trainees exam work with an experienced person, teaching has endured examination depend on supervision by faculty examination develop University private and professional attributes in University student academics. This is restricting as University college make few visitations exam University placement faculties and may not be available for close guidance and conferencing. Additionally, University pupil teachers make every effort examination existing their best work when visited, giving quizzes false impression that all is definitely.